Dr. Alvaro Moraes

17 January, 2016

Alvaro is a founding class member of KAUST. He obtained his PhD in Applied Math in January 2015 under the supervision of Prof. Raul Tempone. During his PhD, Alvaro coauthored five research articles in refereed journals related to numerical methods and algorithms for pure jump Markovian processes. In 2013, Alvaro was recipient of the KAUST Academic Excellence Award.
For the last  year, Alvaro has been a postdoctoral fellow at KAUST with both the Stochastic Numerics research group and the Uncertainty Quantification SRI center. During his postdoctoral period at KAUST, he focused on the analysis and development of adaptive multilevel Monte Carlo methods for SRNs. 
Alvaro has accepted a research position at Saudi Aramco, to begin on January 20, 2016. He will be working at Program Development & Quality Assurance Division.   
We wish Alvaro a strong an productive industrial career, thank him for all his hard and fruitful work and hope to continue our joint collaboration in the future. 

Prof. Raul Tempone