Dr. Evangelia Kalligiannaki

01 January, 2016

Evangelia Kalligiannaki has joined the Stochastic Numerics Group and SRI Uncertainty Quantification Center at KAUST.  Evangelia is an Applied Mathematician and Computational Scientist specializing in multi-scale modeling and uncertainty quantification of high dimensional complex systems. 

She earned an undergraduate B.S. degree in Mathematics, a  M.Sc. and a Ph.D. (2007)  in Applied Mathematics, at the University of Crete, Greece. Her Ph.D. research focus was  on  high-frequency wave propagation, studying asymptotic and numerical approximations of phase space representations for paraxial wave propagation, using quantum statistical mechanics and semiclassical analysis tools.  

From  2007-2015 she was a Postdoctoral Researcher at IACM/FORTH in Greece, JICS / Oak Ridge National Lab & University of Delaware in USA, University of Southern California in USA, and University of Crete. During her postdoctoral research she became interested on her current research area of multi-scale modeling  and uncertainty quantification of many particle and macro-molecular systems.  

Her research  concerns the development, analysis and implementation of model reduction (coarse-graining) techniques for high dimensional systems at multiple space and time scales with applications  to  macro-molecular and stochastic lattice systems.  She is particularly interested in the development of effective equilibrium and non-equilibrium coarse-grained models using statistical mechanics and information theory tools. She also studies Markov Chain Monte Carlo numerical methods and their appropriate design using coarse graining techniques, in order to accelerate microscopic simulations.  Her most recent interests are the development of data-driven models for molecular systems with variational and Bayesian inference methods and the optimal coarse graining of non-equilibrium molecular systems.

Prof. Raul Tempone​
