The PECOS Center in ICES at the University of Texas at Austin, the SRI-UQ center at KAUST, and QUEST, a SciDAC UQ Institute, are co-sponsoring a short course to be held at the University of Texas at Austin, July 28 - August 8.
- Title: Mathematical and Algorithmic Aspects of Uncertainty Quantification
- Instructors: Prof. Fabio Nobile (EPFL) and Prof. Raul Tempone (KAUST)
- Dates: July 28 - August 8, 2014
- Location: University of Texas at Austin
- Cost: Registration is free, but space is limited
When building a mathematical model to describe the behavior of a physical system, one has often to face a certain level of uncertainty in the proper characterization of the model parameters and input data. Examples appear in the description of flows in porous media, behavior of living tissues, combustion problems, deformation of composite materials, meteorology and atmospheric models, etc. The increasing computer power and the need for reliable predictions have pushed researchers to include uncertainty models, often in a probabilistic setting, for the input parameters of otherwise deterministic mathematical models.
In this series of lectures we focus on mathematical models mostly based on Partial Differential Equations with stochastic input parameters (coefficients, forcing terms, boundary conditions, shape of the physical domain, etc.), and review the most used numerical techniques for propagating the input random data onto the solution of the problem.