Evangelia Kalligiannaki

Previous Members

Research Scientist

Research Interests

My research interests concern the development, analysis and implementation of model reduction (coarse-graining) techniques for high dimensional particle systems at multiple space and time scales, and so far includes studying macro-molecular and stochastic lattice systems.


I am particularly interested in the development of effective equilibrium and non-equilibrium coarse-grained models using statistical mechanics and information theory tools. Moreover, I study the development of data-driven models for molecular systems with variational and Bayesian inference methods.

I also study Markov chain Monte Carlo numerical methods and their appropriate design using coarse graining techniques, in order to accelerate microscopic simulations.

Selected Publications


  • ​PhD, Applied Mathematics,  University of Crete, Greece, 2007
  •  M.Sc., Applied Mathematics, University of Crete, Greece, 2002 ​   
  •  B.Sc., Mathematics, University of Crete, Greece, 1999 ​ 

Scientific and Professional Membership



  • ​Travel Award, AWM - NSF, Summer  2011
  •  Travel Award, Clay Mathematics Institute, Summer 2008 ​   
  •  Manassaki Scholarship, University of Crete, 2006 ​   
  •  Ph.D. Scholarship  “Herakleitos”, Greek Ministry of National Education and the European Union, 2002–2006 ​ 
  •  Graduate Scholarship, IACM, Foundation for Re- search and Technology Hellas, 1999 - 2002