Joakim Beck

Research Scientists

Research Scientist​


B1-L4- 4104

Research Interests

I obtained an MSc (Eng.) in Engineering Physics at the Royal Institute of Technology [KTH] in Stockholm, Sweden, and completed a PhD in Engineering at University College London (UCL), England. I held a position as a Research Associate from April 2013-2016, joint between the Department of Statistical Science and the Institute of Risk and Disaster Reduction at UCL. Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences & Engineering (CEMSE) Division at KAUST, and a member of the KAUST SRI Center for Uncertainty Quantification in Computer Science and Engineering.

Selected Publications

  • Beck, J., Dia, B. M., Espath, L. F., Long, Q., & Tempone, R. (2018). Fast Bayesian experimental design: Laplace-based importance sampling for the expected information gain. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering334, 523-553.
  • Beck, J., Wolfers, S. and Roberts, G.P., 2018. Bayesian earthquake dating and seismic hazard assessment using chlorine-36 measurements (BED v1). Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, pp.1-24.
  • Beck, J. and Guillas, S., 2016. Sequential design with mutual information for computer experiments (MICE): emulation of a tsunami model. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification4(1), pp.739-766.
  • Beck, J., Tempone, R., Nobile, F. and Tamellini, L., 2012. On the optimal polynomial approximation of stochastic PDEs by Galerkin and collocation methods. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences22(09), p.1250023.
  • Bäck, J., Nobile, F., Tamellini, L. and Tempone, R., 2011. Stochastic spectral Galerkin and collocation methods for PDEs with random coefficients: a numerical comparison. In Spectral and high order methods for partial differential equations (pp. 43-62). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.


  • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University College London, UK (2014)
  • MSc (Eng.) in Engineering Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (2009)


  • EPSRC PhD Scholarship Award, 2009-2014
  • EPSRC NCSML Award for PDRA Collaboration, May 2015