Julio Enrique Castrillon Candas

Previous Members

Research Scientist

Research Interests

My research focuses on the development of fast and accurate numerical methods for the efficient solution of deterministic and stochastic computational models. In particular, my interests include, but not limited, to Stochastic PDEs, Radial Basis Function Interpolation,  Regression, Hierarchical Basis.

Selected Publications

  • Julio E. Castrillon-Candas, Jun Li, Victor Eijkhout, “A discrete adapted hierarchical basis solver for radial basis function interpolation”, BIT Numerical Mathematics, Springer, July 2012. 
  • S. D Heedene , K Amaratunga and J.E. Castrillon-Candas, “Generalized Hierarchical Bases: a Wavelet-Ritz-Galerkin Framework for Lagrangian FEM” , Engineering Computations, 22,1,15-37, 2005 
  • J. E. Castrillon-Candas and K. Amaratunga, ”Spatially Adapted Multiwavelets andSparse Representation of Integral Operators on General Geometries”, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 24,5, 1530-1566, 2003.
  • J. E. Castrillon-Candas and K. Amaratunga, ”Fast Computation of Continuous Karhunen-Loeve Eigenfunctions using Wavelets”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 50, 1, 78-86, January 2002. 
  • K. Amaratunga and J. E. Castrillon-Candas: ”Surface Wavelets: A Multiresolution Signal Processing Tool for 3D Computational Modeling”. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 52, 3, 239-271, September 2001.


​​​1996-2001 Doctorate, Department of Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA