Pedro Andres Vilanova Guerra

Previous Members

Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Interests

  • Error control and adaptive algorithms for Markovian processes.
  • Statistical inference for Markovian processes.

Selected Publications

[1] A. Moraes, F. Ruggeri, R. Tempone, and P. Vilanova. Multiscale modeling of wear degradation in cylinder liners. Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 12(1):396-409, 2014. [ DOI ]
[2] A. Moraes, R. Tempone, and P. Vilanova. Hybrid chernoff tau-leap. Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 12(2):581-615, 2014. [ DOI ]
[3] A. Moraes, R. Tempone, and P. Vilanova. Multilevel hybrid Chernoff tau-leap. BIT Numerical Mathematics, April 2015. [ http ]
[4] A. Moraes, R. Tempone, and P. Vilanova. A multilevel adaptive reaction-splitting simulation method for stochastic reaction networks. submitted to SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, preprint arXiv:1406.1989, 2014. [ http ]
[5]​ ​ C. Bayer, A. Moraes, R. Tempone, and P. Vilanova, An Efficient Forward-Reverse Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Statistical Inference in Stochastic Reaction Networks, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Volume 34, Issue 2, 2016 [ http ]


  • ​PhD in Applied Mathematics. KAUST, Saudi Arabia. Advisor: Prof. Raul Tempone.
  • Master of Research in Computer Science. Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay. Advisor: Prof. Nora Szasz. 
  • ​Computer Engineer. Universidad ORT, Uruguay. Final project tutor: Prof. Martin Solari. ​
  • Bachelor in Statistics. Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay. All course credits earned.
  • Bachelor in Information Systems Management. Universidad ORT, Uruguay. Monograph reviewer: Prof. Gerardo Matturro.
  • Bachelor in Accountancy (associate). Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay. Monograph advisor: Prof. Mario Tenzer.​

Professional Profile

  • Teaching Assistant at KAUST (Numerical Methods for SDE's, Stochastic Methods in Engineering, Computational Multivariate Statistics).
  • Teaching Assistant at Universidad ORT, Uruguay (Theory of Computation, Programming Paradigms, Data Structures and Algorithms I and II).
  • Research Assistant at Universidad ORT, Uruguay (Research on formal methods applied to software engineering).
  • Teaching Assistant at Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay (Introduction to computer science).
  • Research Intern at Supélec (France), Uppsala University (Sweden) and Heidelberg University (Germany).​
  • Independent Consultant in Software Engineering. Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Systems Analyst and Information Systems Security Specialist at several IT companies. Montevideo, Uruguay.

Scientific and Professional Membership

  • ​Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
  • Member, American Mathematical Society (AMS).
  • ​Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).


  • Provost´s Award for Outstanding Scholastic Scholarship, KAUST, Saudi Arabia.
  • Graduate Fellowship Award, KAUST, Saudi Arabia.​

KAUST Affiliations