Sören Wolfers

Previous Members

PhD Student​​

Research Interests

Numerical Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification, Sparse Approximation, Multilevel methods, Meshfree methods

Selected Publications

  • Beck, J., Roberts, G., and Wolfers, S. (2018). Bayesian earthquake dating and seismic hazard assessment using chlorine-36 measurements (BED v1). Submitted to Geoscientific Model Development
  • ​Tempone, R., and Wolfers, S. (2018). Smolyak’s algorithm: a powerful black box for the acceleration of scientific computations. In: Sparse Grids and Applications,  Springer​​,  data-sf-ec-immutable="">
  • Haji-Ali, A., Nobile, F., Tempone, R., and Wolfers, S. (2017). Multilevel weighted least squares polynomial approximation. Submit​ted, arXiv:1707.00026
  • Nobile, F., Tempone, R., and Wolfers, S. (2017). Sparse approximation of multilinear problems with applications to kernel-based methods in UQ. ​Numerische Mathematik, 139(1), 247--280
  • Wolfers, S., Schwab, E., and Vidal, R. (2014). Nonnegative ODF estimation via optimal constraint selection.   11th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 734--737.


  • ​BSc. Mathematics. ​Heidelberg University, 2013
  • MSc. Mathematics. University of Bonn, 2015​