Analysis and implementation issues for the numerical approximation of parabolic equations with random coefficients
byFabio Nobile, Raul Tempone
Nobile, F.; Tempone, Raul "Analysis and implementation issues for the numerical approximation of parabolic equations with random coefficients."
Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg. 80 (2009), no. 6-7, 979–1006.
We consider the problem of numerically approximating statistical moments of the solution of a time-dependent linear parabolic partial differential equation (PDE), whose coefficients and/or forcing terms are spatially correlated random fields. The stochastic coefficients of the PDE are approximated by truncated Karhunen–Loève expansions driven by a finite number of uncorrelated random variables. After approximating the stochastic coefficients, the original stochastic PDE turns into a new deterministic parametric PDE of the same type, the dimension of the parameter set being equal to the number of random variables introduced.