Dario Bauso, Ben Mansour Dia, Boualem Djehiche, Hamidou Tembine, Raul Tempone, Mean Field Games for Marriage, PLOS ONE 9(5): e94933, 2014.
This article examines mean-field games for marriage. The results support the argument that optimizing the long-term well-being through effort and social feeling state distribution (mean-field) will help to stabilize marriage. However , if the cost of effort is very high, the couple fluctuates in a bad feeling state or the marriage breaks down. We then examine the influence of society on a couple using mean field sentimental games. We show that, in mean-field equilibrium, the optimal effort is always higher than the one-shot optimal effort. We illustrate numerically the influence of the couple’s network on their feeling states and their well-being.