ℋ‐matrix techniques for approximating large covariance matrices and estimating its parameters

by Alexander Litvinenko, Marc Genton, Ying Sun, David Keyes
Year: 2016


​Litvinenko, Alexander, Marc Genton, Ying Sun, and David Keyes, "ℋ‐matrix techniques for approximating large covariance matrices and estimating its parameters"Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 16 : 731-732


​In this work the task is to use the available measurements to estimate unknown hyper‐parameters  of the covariance function. We do it by maximizing the joint log‐likelihood function. This is a non‐convex and non‐linear problem. To overcome cubic complexity in linear algebra, we approximate the discretised covariance function in the hierarchical  matrix format. The ℋ‐matrix format has a log‐linear computational cost and storage (knlogn ), where rank is a small integer. On each iteration step of the optimization procedure the covariance matrix itself, its determinant and its Cholesky decomposition are recomputed within ℋ‐matrix format.

