11 February, 2014

Dr Hamidou Tembine

CS Graduate Seminar: Game Theory Meets Computer Science and Engineering By Dr. Hamidou Tembine (KAUST)

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07 February, 2014

Dr Hamidou Tembine received IEEE

Dr. Tembine Hamidou (KAUST CEMSE Senior Research Scientist, SRI Center for Uncertainty Quantification) was selected to receive the IEEE ComSoc EMEA Outstanding Young Researcher Award for his promising research activities for the benefit of the society.

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05 February, 2014

Claudio Canuto

Claudio Canuto will be visiting the SRI Uncertainty Quantification Center during the period Feb. 5-16, 2014.

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04 February, 2014

Overview of numerical methods for quantification of uncertainties

CS Graduate Seminar: Overview of numerical methods for quantification of uncertainties By Dr. Alexander Litvinenko (KAUST)

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27 January, 2014

Prof. Cédric Villani

Prof. Cédric Villani, Fields Medal Winner, visited the Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering (CEMSE) Division, on 27th January, 2014.

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23 January, 2014

Christian Bayer will be visiting the Stochastic Numerics

Christian Bayer will be visiting the Stochastic Numerics Research Group during the period January 15-23, 2014.

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15 January, 2014

Christian Bayer

Christian Bayer will be visiting the Stochastic Numerics Research Group during the period January 15-23, 2014.

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13 January, 2014

New Visiting Researcher: Dr. Blanca Ayuso de Dios

Welcome New Visiting Researcher: Dr. Blanca Ayuso de Dios

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12 January, 2014

Mike Giles

Mike Giles will be visiting the SRI Uncertainty Quantification Center during the period Jan. 12-17, 2014.

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08 January, 2014

Georgios Zouraris

Georgios Zouraris will be visiting the SRI Uncertainty Quantification Center during the period Jan. 8 - 21, 2014.

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06 January, 2014

Workshop 2014

SRI UQ Annual Workshop 2014

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01 January, 2014

Prof. Raul Tempone in Stockholm, Sweden.

Prof. Raul Tempone named Numerical Analysis “Affilierad Fakultet” with the Mathematics Department of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden.

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09 December, 2013

Abdul Lateef Haji Ali, Alvaro Moraes, and Pedro Vilanova

PhD students Abdul Lateef Haji Ali, Alvaro Moraes, and Pedro Vilanova participated in a poster session in the IX ERPEM - Ninth Regional Meeting on Probability and Mathematical Statistics - Balneario Solís, Uruguay, from December 9 to December 11, 2013.

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27 November, 2013

MS-Thesis Defense

MS-Thesis Defense: Hybrid Adaptive Multilevel Monte Carlo Algorithm for Non-Smooth Observables of It ô Stochastic Differential Equations By Nadhir Ben Rached

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22 November, 2013

Blanca Ayuso de Dios

Blanca Ayuso de Dios will be visiting the Stochastic Numerics Research Group during the period Nov. 22-29, 2013.

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16 November, 2013

Ingrid Melinder

Ingrid Melinder will be visiting the Stochastic Numerics Research Group during the period Nov. 16-29, 2013.

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06 November, 2013

Jesper Oppelstrup

Jesper Oppelstrup will be visiting the Stochastic Numerics Research Group during the period Nov. 6-29, 2013.

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05 November, 2013

Seminar: Discontinuous Galerkin approximation to the Vlasov-Poisson system.

Seminar: Discontinuous Galerkin approximation to the Vlasov-Poisson system by Dr. Blanca Ayuso De Dios

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02 November, 2013

Kody Law

Kody Law to give invited lecture at the Stochastic Analysis Seminar at Oxford Man Institute (November 25, 2013)

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30 October, 2013

AMCS Graduate Seminar: A Sample from the Stochastic Numerics Group by Raul Tempone

AMCS Graduate Seminar: A Sample from the Stochastic Numerics Group by Raul Tempone in 9-2322 (Lecture Hall 1)

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