25 June, 2015

Prof. Raul Tempone visiting ICES.

During the period June 25 until August 4 Prof. Tempone and part of his KAUST research group will be visiting ICES, Austin, Texas, US.

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18 June, 2015

Prof. Raul Tempone at Institut Mittag-Leffler, Sweden.

Prof. Raul Tempone will give an invited talk entitled "Multi-Index Monte Carlo" at Institut Mittag-Leffler, Sweden.

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15 June, 2015

Prof. Raul Tempone  at Uppsala University, Sweden.

Prof. Raul Tempone will give a seminar talk entitled "Multi-Index Monte Carlo" at Uppsala University, Sweden.

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10 June, 2015

KTH course

During June 10th to 12th, 2015, Prof. Raul Tempone and Dr. Alvaro Moraes will teach the course "Simulation and Inference of Stochastic Reaction Networks" at the department of Mathematics and Statistics of KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm.

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01 June, 2015

Prof. Raul Tempone ​is co-organizer of the KAUST Research Conference

Prof. Raul Tempone ​is co-organizer of the KAUST Research Conference: Recent Trends in Predicting and Monitoring the Integrity of Composites (COMINT), June 1-2, 2015

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24 May, 2015

PhD Candidate Abdul Lateef Haji Ali

On May 24th, 2015, PhD Candidate Abdul Lateef Haji Ali presented his Proposal Thesis Defense entitled "Optimizing Multilevel Stochastic Samplers: Monte Carlo and Sparse Grids"

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04 May, 2015

Chiheb Ben Hammouda

Chiheb Ben Hammouda successfully defended his MS Thesis.

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04 May, 2015

Pedro Vilanova

Pedro Vilanova successfully defended his PhD Thesis.

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04 May, 2015

Chaouki Ben Issaid

Chaouki Ben Issaid successfully defended his MS Thesis

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03 May, 2015

AMCS - PhD Thesis Defense

AMCS - PhD Thesis Defense: Multilevel Approximations of Markovian Jump Processes with Applications in Communication Networks By Pedro Vilanova (PhD Student of Prof. Raul Tempone, KAUST)

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30 April, 2015

MS-Thesis Defense

MS-Thesis Defense: Drift-Implicit Multi-Level Monte Carlo Tau-Leap Methods for Stochastic Reaction Networks By Chiheb Ben Hammouda (Master Student of Prof. Raul Tempone, KAUST)

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29 April, 2015

Seminar by Prof. Jacques Duysens

Seminar: An Integrated Approach for Model-Based Systems and Software Engineering By Prof. Jacques Duysens (ANSYS Inc.)

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28 April, 2015

Jacques Duysens

Jacques Duysens will be visiting the SRI Uncertainty Quantification Center during the period April 28 - 30, 2015.

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15 April, 2015

Alexander Litvinenko Talk

Alexander Litvinenko is giving talk "Sampling and low-rank tensor approximation of the response surface" on workshop "Uncertainty Management for Robust Industrial Design in Aeronautics - UMRIDA", April 15-16, TU Delft, Netherlands.

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14 April, 2015

Prof. Marco Iglesias  visiting the SRI

Marco Iglesias will be visiting the SRI Uncertainty Quantification Center during the period April 14 - 23, 2015.

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15 March, 2015

Dr. Matteo Icardi

Dr. Matteo Icardi has become Warwick Zeeman Lecturer at the University of Warwick.

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14 March, 2015

Dr. Alexander Litvinenko is organizing a mini-symposia

Alexander Litvinenko is organizing a mini-symposia "Efficient Methods for Uncertainty Quantification by Means of Tensor Format Representations" on SIAM CSE conference in Salt Lake City, March 2015

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18 February, 2015

​​Prof. Tempone joined the Advisory

Prof. Tempone joined the Advisory and Impact Board of the UK EPSRC Programme Grant EQUIP (solution of statistical inverse problems)

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08 February, 2015

Dr. Bilal Saad

Dr. Bilal Saad accepted researcher position at Baker Hughes Dhahran Research and Technology Center

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27 January, 2015

Alvaro Moraes

Alvaro Moraes successfully defended his PhD thesis.

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